








        为了应对经济的高速发展,许多企业对于英语能力的要求也有所提高,在进行招聘 面试 环节中,不仅对学历的高低,工作 经验 各种因素有所要求,还对 英语口语 面试进行严格的要求。下面是我整理英语 简历 求职信精选的 范文 ,欢迎阅读!


        dear sir or madam,

        i am writing to apply for the position of business manager you advertised in yesterday’s china daily.

        to briefly introduce myself, i am a graduate student of peking university majoring in business administration, and expect graduation this june. not only have i excellent academic performance in all courses, i also possess the rich experience of assisting management staff of several renowned international companies, such as kpmg and microsoft. my interactive personal skills and teamwork spirit are also appropriate for this post. for further information, please refer to my attached resume.

        i would be grateful if you could arrange an interview at your earliest convenience.


        Dear Mr. White:

        I wish to apply for the position of Co-op Civil Engineering Student as advertised in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba in December 2004. I am aware that your company ranks among the largest and oldest construction companies in North America and Kiewit projects are very diverse and exciting. I am very interested in this opportunity as I hope to pursue a career in the construction industry.

        I am presently enrolled in third year Civil Engineering and my course work has included Structural Analysis and Design and Transportation Engineering. I am currently on the Dean’s Honor List and have been awarded the Association of Professional Engineer of Manitoba Scholarship for the past two years. In addition, I have worked one summer as an Engineering Aid for Manitoba Highways and Transportation and another summer as an Instrument Person for Brown & Company Land Surveyors. In these jobs, I had the opportunity to supervise construction crews ads assist with job costing and scheduling. Other skills I would bring to this position are my strong work ethics, adaptability to new situations and strong leadership abilities. I am confident these skills combined with my university courses and my summer experiences give me the ideal background required for this Co-op position.

        I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss this position with you and how I can make a contribution to Peter Kiewit Sons Co. I can be reached at (204) 287-1313 or by e-mail….

        Thank you for your time and consideration.




        i have been told by mr.john l.pak,credit manager, the business book

        publishing,new york, with whom i believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting

        to make some additions to your accounting staff in june.i should like to be considered

        an applicant for one of these positions. permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work

        i did while in their employ. my work was in the credit department and in the accounting i hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.if there

        is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.i can always be reached at the address given at the

        beginning of this letter.

        very truly yours

        英语简历求职信精选相关 文章 :

        ★ 英语简历求职信精选范文

        ★ 英语简历求职信范文

        ★ 相关英语版求职自荐信精选文章五篇

        ★ 英语求职信的格式是怎样的

        ★ 应聘英语教师自荐信精选五篇

        ★ 优秀的英语专业工作自荐信精选参考范文素材

        ★ 优秀的英语专业学生自荐信精选范文素材五篇

        ★ 高中英语求职信作文带翻译

        ★ 有关英语专业工作自荐信优秀范文素材大全

        ★ 商务英语专业求职信范文



       I passed the Graduate Candidate Test at public expense as number one in 2007,and became the last class of scholar(公费生)in our college.


       Self evaluation:I am low-keyed,pragmatic,full of energy,and can bear a heavy load of night shift for long time.


       I acted as data manager in the project of China's political subject research,and was in charge of collecting and arranging some of the data as special topics.I collected,arranged and examined over 2000 academic papers,and assured the project can be held successfully.I had undergone professional training for special topics,and understood professional knowledge on practice.I released many articles for all kinds on this web site,they were more than 20,000 words,and were spread on the internet widely.







        Personal Data(个人资料):



        Date of birth(出生年月)

        Home address(家庭住址)

        Political landscape(政治面貌)

        Marital status(婚姻状况)

        Physical condition(身体状况)




        Academic content(学业有关内容):

        Their schools(就读学校)

        By specialties(学位)


        Foreign languages(外语)

        computer master degree(及计算机掌握程度)

        I experienced(本人经历):

        Received honorary(所获荣誉):

        I Features(本人特长):

        PS:个人简历应该浓缩大学生活或研究生生活的精华部分,要写得简洁精练,切忌拖泥带水。个人简历后面,可以附上个人获奖证明,如三好学生、优秀学生干部证书的复印件,外语四、六级证书的复印件以及驾驶执照的复印件,这些复印件能够给用人单位留下深刻的印象。 祝你成功!






        性格是一个主观的东西,有经验的招聘人员从来不相信任何人自己写的性格, 因为它不是一个硬性的东西,不象学历、技能。有些人如果认为公司要招聘一个比较活跃一点的,便会在简历中写性格开朗,有的是真相信自己性格开朗,有的是觉得写上开朗更好,其实没必要。










        写得好,当然要保留,如果其背景又是公司急需的, 可能马上就要见求职者;写得不好的,就会丢掉,实际上,连看都不看。任何一个知名的大公司,每天都有成百上千人递简历,如果写得太差,根本就不值得保留。因为这些公司认为,一个人连自己的简历都写不好,将来进了公司,对外行文质量不够;对内说件事情也说不清楚,公司肯定不要这样的人。大家经常说大公司的人训练有素,实际上这也是其中一方面。即使不进大公司,简历写得不好,也会显得不懂基本格式,没有智慧。


        Your resume is scanned, not read. (?YRIS?)。一方面简历要写得好,另一方面招聘人员看简历只是扫描式的,最初看也就是5秒钟左右,写得不好就扔了。这儿你就会问了:"写得好,短时间他看不出来怎么办?"不用担心,他们是可以看出来的,因为招聘人员每天干的就是这一行,如果您怀疑他看不出来,说明两点:第一,您对招聘人员的工作性质还不了解。假设您是司机,经常走北京那么多胡同,自然就记住了,而一般人就会觉得很难记。第二,说明您对行文格式、专业写作形象还不熟悉。我们见到,美国很多职位很高的大老板,在看他的下属写的东西时,一点点小错,哪怕换了一种字体,漏了一个逗号,多了一个空格,都能及时指出来,说明他们的眼很尖,速度很快,您要是怀疑的话,说明您对这个领域还很不熟悉,那么您需要做的工作就很多了。即使您进了这种公司,也要在这方面下工夫,否则,很难成为他们当中合格的一员。另外,YRIS还说明写的内容千万不要多,而且要控制在一页内,因为没有人会认真看您的简历。关于这两点,我们在后面有时还会提到。









        例: 1) Yang LI 2) YANG LI 3) Yang Li 4) Yang Li (李阳) 5) Li, Yang 6) Li Yang 7) LI Yang

        我们认为都有可接受的理由,或适用的场合,比如说第四种-Yang Li (李阳),很方便招聘人员,尤其是人事部经理为中国人,声调弄错了或者名和姓搞不清楚,会很尴尬;但标准的、外资公司流行的、大家约定俗成的简历中的名字写法,则是第二种,YANG LI。


        另外,也发现有一小部分人用外国人的姓,如Mary Smith,也是非常不可取的。因为如果你用外国人的姓,别人会认为你是外国人,或者你父亲是外国人,或者你嫁给了外国人。而名字用英文则是很常见的,也是很方便的,尤其是名字拼音的第一个字母是q、x或z,老外们很难发出正确的读音。有个叫韩强的先生,名片上印着John Han,这样,中外人士叫起来都很方便。

        名和姓之间,如果有英文名,中文名可以加,也可以不加,或者用拼音的第一个字母简称。 如上例:John Q. Han。


        例: 1)Xiao-feng 2)Xiao-Feng 3)Xiaofeng 4)Xiao Feng






        1) 前面一定加地区号,如(86-10)。因为您是在向外国公司求职,您的简历很可能被传真到伦敦、纽约,大家不知道您的地区号,也没有时间去查,如果另一位求职者的电话有地区号,招聘者很可能先和这个人沟通。另外,国外很流行?user friendly?,即想尽办法给对方创造便利,尤其是在找工作时,更要加深这一意识。用中国人的思维逻辑来解释,"是你求他,而不是他求你"。.

        2) 8个号码之间加一个?-?,如6505-2266。这样,认读拨打起来比较容易,否则,第一次打可能会看错位。

        3) 区号后的括号和号码间加空格,如 (86-10) 6505-2266。这是英文写作的规定格式,很多人忽略了,甚至不知道。

        4) 写手机或者向别人通报手机时,也有一定的规范,要用?4-3-4原则?,如?1380-135-1234?。也有人6个5个的念,会造成两个结果:一是字数越多越不容易记全,甚至出错,降低效率,有的人还念得特快;二是有人总结说,这是台湾人的念法,带有很浓的地方色彩。我们追求的是国际规范。

        5) 传真号千万不要留办公室的,免得办公室的同事都知道你想跳槽。如果家里有传真号,最好告诉对方,万一他找不到你,可以发几个字,比较快;将来对方发聘书或材料时,比较方便。不要等到将来再给,我们应该从现在起就培养?user friendly?的意识,处处方便对方。

        6) 国外很流行留言电话,有人为找工作,专门去买留言电话。这里顺带讲一下留言文化,中国人甚至包括很多亚洲人,都不习惯使用留言电话,但随着国际间商业文化交往的增多,愿意在电话中留言的人越来越多了,留言技巧也越来越高了。

        7) 家中老人试写留言条。经常会出现这么一种情况:您出门了,朋友打来电话,回来时,妈妈告诉你:?今天有人来电话找你。?你会问:?谁来的?一般她只会告诉你:?是个男的?或?是个女的?,当你问到:?您怎么不问一问他的电话呀?,妈妈往往会回答:?我还没问呢,他就挂了。?这里我们要说两点:一是要跟家长交流一下写留言条的方式,就是怎么接听电话及写留言条;第二,这里有一个中国的传统观念。以前,只有办公室才有电话,打电话来的人一般都是找你办事的,接听电话的人总觉得高高在上,并且形成了习惯。这种习惯带到家里,甚至在年轻一代中也很流行。很多人接听电话时,若没能及时识别出对方身份,起初语气往往非常冷漠。在这里,我们向全社会建议:任何给您打电话的人,都有可能是您的朋友、同事或者合作伙伴,即便目前不是,将来大部分都有可能成为他们中的一员,所以,务必热情对待每一个电话。另外,换个角度想:如果您打电话给别人,别人是这样的态度,您又会作何感想呢?我们要在全社会提倡一种礼貌热情的电话语言,这在我们以后的专题讲座中会提到。






        3.地名 右对齐,全部大写并加粗



        如果正在学习,用Candidate for开头比较严谨;如果已经毕业,可以把学历名称放在最前,具体见样本。


        担任班干部,只写职务就可以了;参加过社团协会,写明职务和社团名,如果什么职务都没有,写?member of club(s)?。社团协会,国外一般都用club。不必写年月和工作详情,有些可留待工作经历中写。


        1) 班长。国内很流行用Monitor,但国外常见的是Class President,这样显得更国际化;另外,用YRIS原理,显得官更大一点儿。

        2) 团支部书记。用Secretary也可以,但在与外国人打交道时,如果参加的是纯商业机构,背景中政治色彩越少越好。经常一个班就是一个支部,我们可以用class表示支部,那么class用Secretary不合适,不妨用President。在某种意义上,班长和团支部书记二者的角色是相同的。但如果二者是并驾齐驱的,不妨用Co-president。再有,如果你写了President,当有人问班长时,他可能会不高兴,为处理好关系,你不妨谦虚一下,用Vice President。这样,发生副作用的可能性就会很小。

        3) 副会长。用Vice President是最合适的,在国外也很常见。







        有四种写法:Personal, Personal Information, Other Information, Additional Information。无论是教育背景、工作经历,还是个人资料,既可以首字母大写,也可以全部字母大写,还可以全部字母小写。哈佛商学院的标准格式是全部字母小写,这在主流商业社会中已沿用多年。另外,名称可以写在最左侧,也可居中。


        有几个层次。Native speaker of指母语;从严谨的角度讲,Fluent in显得更流利;English as working language显得不非常流利,但可信度更高; Some knowledge of 会一些,没有把握的千万别写。在面试中,语言是最轻松的、最容易被测试的,一旦被考倒,他会认为你在撒谎,甚至认为通篇都有很多撒谎的地方。 外企公司不会雇用撒谎或有撒谎嫌疑的人。


        中国人最爱用?熟悉?(familiar)。无论中文还是英文简历,?熟悉?是一个很弱的字眼,说明你不熟练,不常用。如果几个软件,有的熟练,有的熟悉,建议只写软件名。完全没把握的,一点儿不熟悉的,千万不要写。不要以为没有电脑,就不会考你,他也会考你一两个关键用法。如果真的用的很多,不妨用?Frequent user of?。






        1) 写强项。弱的一定不要写,面试人员不定对哪个项目感兴趣,有时会跟你聊两句,尤其是接连几个、十几个面试之后,有些招聘人员爱聊一些轻松的话题,一旦是你的弱项,绝大部分人会很尴尬的,显出窘态,丧失自信,这对你是很不利的。更重要的是,他会觉得你在撒谎。

        2) 要写也只写两到三项。因为极少有人在很多方面都很强。如果您觉得自己玩得都可以的话,您的标准可能稍低了点儿。当然,确实有的人七八样都玩得挺好的,但一般人不相信个人的强项有特别多,所以您也没必要写那么多,以免给人轻浮的感觉。

        3) 不具体的爱好不写,如sports, music, reading。大家不知道你喜好什么,或者让大家觉得你根本就没有真正的爱好,更糟糕的是,人们会认为你的写作水平很差。

        4) 举几个用词。如travel,如果你喜欢旅行,而有些工作需要经常出差,那么你写上travel是非常有利的;有些女性写上cooking,是很实事求是的,也给人以踏实的.感觉,对于象秘书这样的职位,总是有好处的。

        七. 工作经历


        1. 时间

        1) 目前的工作要最先写, 左侧写时间,如写成1997-present。详细写法请点击哈佛商学院简历样本。此外更要注意拼写,不要把present写成president,否则您现在就成了总裁,老板怎么还敢雇佣您呢?这种往往是拼写检查无法查出的"漏网之鱼",所以要特别小心。这个问题我们在后面还会谈到。

        2) 以前的工作,只写年份,如1993-1995。这样的写法主要适于以下三种情况:一是工作时间较早;二是工作时间在两年以上;三是旨在巧妙地拉长工作时间。例如,如果您曾于1997年12月到1998年1月就职于某家公司,虽然只有短短两个月,但写成1997-1998就显得工作时间较长,同时也没撒谎。

        3) 以前的工作,加上月份,如May, 1998或May 1998。这样的写法自然会显得精确一些,也投合银行业雇主的口味。有的中国人则喜欢用5, 1998或1998,5。前一种写法很少见,只有在实在写不下的情况下才使用。1998,5则是纯粹的Chinglish(中式英语),是完全不能接受的。

        4) Summer Intern(夏期工作)的几种写法。

        Summer Intern

        Summer Analyst

        Summer Assistant

        Summer Associate

        一是直接写Summer Intern,不管职务职称;二是写成Summer Analyst,这种写法比较适合大学本科或研究生期间的暑期工作;三是写Summer Assistant,这种写法适合多种情况;四是写Summer Associate,这一写法专指MBA学生的暑期工作。而且一般认为Summer Associate的级别会比Summer Analyst要高一些。我们将在以后的专题讲座中为大家介绍美国投资银行家职业生涯发展的阶梯模式,到时候会涉及到不同职务和职称的写法。

        2. 公司名

        公司名称应大写加粗。若全称太复杂,可以写得稍微简单一些。如ARRAIL CHAINSHINE INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED不如写成ARRAIL CHAINSHINE来得简单明了,大家一看就知道指的是哪家公司。

        有些公司的全称往往不为人知,但缩写名却尽人皆知。比如在中国就不是每个人都知道INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE是什么公司,但IBM的大名却是家喻户晓的。所以在中国,我们建议大家写IBM,因为许多外企人事经理都是中国人,这样写更顺眼也更顺口。而在美国,大家还是会写全称的。

        3. 地名


        4. 职务与部门

        1) 从公司名称之后的第二行开始写,如果想介绍公司情况,则职务与部门应写在公司简介之后。

        2) 职务与部门应加粗,每个词的第一个字母要大写,如Manager, Finance Department。

        5. 公司简介

        1) 对于新公司、小公司或招聘公司不甚熟悉的某些行业的公司,为了保险起见都不妨介绍一两句。甚至对于那些业内知名的企业往往也不一定名声在外。求职者一般不会针对每家应聘的公司都量身定做一份专门的简历(tailor-made resume),目前可能只想在行业内跳一跳,但也不排除将来在别的行业发展的可能,所以不妨都略带提一下公司的简介。

        2) 有些外国人可能对中国的公司不太知道,因此要介绍一下。 这不是说别人孤陋寡闻,而是缺乏对中国的了解。比如说,您也许对美国、德国、日本的一些大公司耳熟能详,但对于加拿大、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、印度、巴西一些有名的大公司,您就不一定都知道了。千万不要觉得中国的公司很大,别人就一定知道,一不留神,就成了井底之蛙。例如,中国银行叫Bank of China (BOC)。在海外很多银行都知道中国银行,但不少人都误认为中国银行就是中国的中央银行,这个概念已经被混淆十多年了,到目前还没有彻底更正。

        3) 简介长度以两行为宜。只用一行易与别的内容相混,而三四行就显得比较累赘。总之要恰到好处,让人一目了然。

        6. 工作经历顺序

        1) 倒序,这是非常流行的方式。

        2) 技能类别,这主要是为了强调自己的某种技能,如翻译、电脑等。如果招聘公司正是需要一名翻译,这样写可以正中下怀。此外,对于那些工作经历有时间断层的人,如下岗、休产假等,不妨也可使用这种方法。根据上周所讲的YRIS原则,雇主往往会在短短几秒的时间里,忽略时间断层这个问题。但要注意,并不是说只要有时间断层问题就一定要死板地用这种方法。因为这种写法只适合技能性比较强的情况,其它可参考前面所提到的只写年的方法加以弥补。如果断层时间长达两三年,则一定要解释清楚,说明确切的原因,实事求是。越诚实越坦荡,越能给人好印象。

        3) 两者结合,先按技能类别加以分类,再以倒序的方式一一列出。

        7. 工作内容

        1) 要用点句(bullet point),避免用大段文字。中国人在写简历时往往会走两个极端,一是过于简单,只有哪年哪月在哪工作,蜻蜓点水,具体内容一点都没有;二是过于复杂,大段描写,洋洋洒洒说了半页纸,却让人摸不着所以然。

        2) 点句的长度以一行为宜,最多不要超过两行;句数以三到五句为佳,最多不超过八句。一位美国的招聘经理曾对我说,一般只重点看前三句,超过八句之后的百分之百不看。

        3) 点句以动词开始。目前的工作用一般现在时,以前工作用过去时。为了便于大家撰写简历,我们从一些简历书籍中精选了148个简历常用动词,供大家参考。这里特别给大家介绍两个简历中热门词汇的用法。Market不完全是指sell,要比sell更丰富一些。Market可作动词,即market后接名词也是可以的。这种写法会显得工作更具有管理性质,档次也要更高一些。Conduct后面要加名词,如conducted research on something,这里conduct相当于中文中的"做"。

        4) 主要职责与主要成就,谁先谁后?有人认为应把主要职责放在前面,因为别人一看就知道你在做什么。其实这种写法较适合初级工作以及开创性不强的工作。若是较高级或开创性较强的工作则应把主要成就写在前面,因为别人看的就是您的工作业绩。所以不能一概而论地断定谁先谁后。

        5) 工作成就要数字化,



        说到写 简历 可能很多人都会很苦恼,因为我们大多数时间里都是学习专业知识,而不是如何写好一份简历。事实上简历十分重要,一份好的简历可以帮助你杨帆起航,走上人生的巅峰。下面就是我给大家带来的英文版个人简历范本,希望能帮助到大家!


        ↓ ↓ ↓ 更多相关 文章 内容推荐↓ ↓ ↓


        数学教师个人应聘简历7篇 ?




        英文 个人简历模板 _英文版个人简历范本(一)

        Personal Information

        Name: Wang Bin

        Se__: Male

        Date of Birth: July 12, 1971

        Address: Room301, Dormitory20, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730000, China

        Telephone: +86-931-8912______; +86-136931________

        E-mail: job.sohu.com


        9/2005 - present Lanzhou University

        Candidate for Master in Economics in June, 2009

        Major in Corporate Finance, School of Economics

        Ranked 2/45 in class, Core GPA: 3.3/4

        9/2001 - 6/2005 Lanzhou University

        Bachelor in Economics

        Awarded National E__cellent Undergraduate Student Scholarship


        7/ - 11/2006 Summer Team: E__pand Job Channels for Students

        Got in touch with 10 companies, visited 4 companies and found their talent demands

        Made agreements with 4 companies that they would recruit graduates in Lanzhou University

        10/2006 – 1/2007 Volunteer Teacher for the Hongshan School in Lanzhou

        Taught the course of English for the rural workers ’ children in the school

        Academic Capability

        Fluent in English. CET-6 : 85.5; TOEFL ( IBT ) : 98; GRE: 1380

        Graded 2 of Gansu Computer Rank E__amination for University Students

        Be Proficient in Office Automation ( Microsoft E__cel, PowerPoint ) and Web Surfing


        The Influence of Economic Densities of City Propers on the Infrastructure Investment by Local Governments published in Science and Engineering Research, 2005, 2



        1008 Sand Five Road

        Mishawaka,IN 46540

        TEL:(+86)138- 5400- 1298 E-mail:vine@hujiang.com

        Dateof Birth:February.1984 Politi Status: Member of Communist Party of China

        Education Graduation: 2015 .06

        Georgia Institute of Technology 09 /2013- 06 / 2014

        Study abroad, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

        ______ University

        Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biological Science and Technology

        1.CSC Scholarship 06 / 2013

        2.Scholarship for Outstanding Students 12 / 2007

        3.Project Management Intensive Track. Attended part-time project management certification course during nights and weekends. E__celled in team business simulations, winning two out of three rounds.

        4.Hult Action Project with Evonik Industries. Si__-week business project. Provided recommendations to increase sales, gain marketshare, and create sustainable impact. Ranked 2nd of 7 teams.

        5.Social Entrepreneurship Club President. Managed club profit and loss, directed fundraising and social entrepreneurship event production. Grew corporate sponsorship network from 3 to 20 in one year

        Research Projects

        Research on Antigen Presenting with Phage Display 04 / 2013- 06 / 2015

        1.Conduct survey of literature and liaise with other labs

        2.Coordinate upkeep and sterility of laboratory glassware

        3.Communicated findings and draft weekly progress reports to Professor Smith


        Research Achievements

        Defect recombination induced by density-activated carrier diffusion in nonpolar InGaN quantum wells journal paper Appl. Phys. Lett, 103, 123506(2013)

        Reducing the efficiency droop by lateral carrier confinement in InGaN/GaN quantum-well nanorods journal paper Opt. E__press 22, A370 (2014)

        Skills and Certificates

        Good knowledge of cell culture and antigenic stimulation; Skilled in MACS, FACS

        Skilled in biochemical tests: protein e__pression, purification, Western Blot

        Good command of Origin, Vector NTI, Primer Premier, FCS E__press

        IELTS: 6.5; Proficiency in English

        Practice E__perience

        Marketing Intern

        Produced events for a series of international marketing campaigns generating over 3,000 prospective clients in one month. Main events included GA’s annual career development seminar and a series of video production webinars. International team of 6 members representing 4 nationalities.

        Career Development Seminar. Assisted in the logistics of General Assembly’s largest annual marketing event, welcoming 400 national and international guests to Los Angeles for the 3-day seminar.

        Video Production Webinar. Sourced 4 contract teachers, setup online web forum, and invited over 2,600 participants to a 4-week video production webinar series.

        Conversion Planning Team. Before end of internship period, led team of three interns to create a proposal to convert 4% of the 3,000 new prospects into paying customers by the end of 2013.

        ______ University Assistant

        Guided undergraduates to attend SITP projects

        ______ University President

        Participated in the gold trade qualification training




        John T. Bray

        464 St George Street


        BC V5T 1Z7

        Phone no.- 604-708-1342

        Email Address- JohnTBray@teleworm.com


        To obtain a challenging position as a Web Designer within a large e__citing company.


        Bryer Computer Services, Cambridge, MA

        2000 - 2002

        Web Designer

        Met and corresponded with clients to determine client needs for company sites.

        Created corporate web sites, portals and large-scale web applications.

        Developed and designed new web interfaces, layouts and site graphics.

        Created and Designed test web sites for sales as well as demonstration purposes.

        Comprehensive technical knowledge of HTML programming and JavaScript coding.

        Responsible for quality assurance of finished websites including the validation of web forms and links

        Designed trained users and templates on development of future pages.

        Massachusetts Healthcare Co. Inc., Boston MA

        1998 - 2000

        Web Designer

        Developed and maintained intranet and Internet for Company Websites utilizing Dream weaver, HTML, Flash and PhotoShop.

        Performed validation of completed sites including the debugging and testing of code.

        Developed and designed user-friendly interface for on-line programmes like multi-media systems and web-driven e-mail.

        Created graphics including icons and logos using Fireworks and PhotoShop.

        Facilitated training on the use of programmes such as Fireworks and Dream Weaver.

        Installed shopping carts by use of CGI scripts for business client websites.


        Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Boston, MA

        1994 - 1998 BS in Computer Science


        Languages: C, HTML and JA.

        Proficient with HTML, Macromedia Dream weaver, Fireworks, Allaire Home Site, Microsoft Office Professional Edition, Adobe Acrobat, WebPosition Gold, Top Dog, Search Engine Optimiser (SEO)

        Familiarity with Adobe Go Live, Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe PhotoShop, Jasc Paint Shop Pro, Macromedia Flash


        Hobbies include Horse Riding, Music and Basket Ball.


        Mary Tom

        Date of Birth:10/1992

        Address: 655 Dollas Street, New York 65408

        Tel. No: 246-947-3431

        Email ID: mtwain@hotmail.com

        Objective: Sales Administrator

        EDUCATION:Diploma of College, ________


        hujiang Company 2013. 01 - 2013 .06


        1.Acted as the main contact person on HR services and support for general staff in the LO, such as compensation and benefit administration, employee movements, employee relations, etc.

        2.Coordinated, maintained and recorded personnel data such as employment contract commence/termination, compensation, benefits, ta__ data, attendance, performance reviews, etc.

        Jobs Enterprise Development Co., Ltd 2012. 09 - 2012. 12

        Sales Intern

        1.Maintained and utilize all kinds e-Tools, Personnel systems like: Career Scout (Internal Job Boards), ePRF approval process, Training Scorecard, e-Room, e-Training Platform, E__ternal Job Boards

        2.Worked closely with project leader on desk study, onsite observation and face to face interview

        Sales Representative

        1.Maintained strong customer relations with e__isting retail customers

        2.Developed new business contacts in various countries in the Middle East and Europe leading to improved producer and supplier relationships

        3.Developed and marketed two new product lines that increased revenue by 20%


        Shanghai Library Volunteer Activity 2011.10 - 2011.12

        Manager Provided Interpreter service on seminar, management meetings, business negotiations and key media interview

        Seller Provided Assistance on some relevant administration work

        College Students Eloquence Association

        Minister of Training Department

        Listened attentively to caller needs to ensure a positive customer e__perience.

        Recommended solutions and proactively followed up with all leads.

        SKILLS: CET-4

        NCRE Certificate, Grade 2 (Database)

        Proficiency in MS Office application, such as Word, E__cel, Powerpoint

        Mandarin Proficiency Test Certificate, 2nd Grade, A Level

        Efficient to work in different teams and handle different projects at a single time

        Capable of understanding the business dynamics of the organization and planning the marketing strategies for the organization accordingly

        Ability to handle a client's project individually and provide a top-level service to the client

        E__cellent communication and coordinating skills

        Brilliant awareness of work related computer applications and programs

        Volunteer: Senior Citizens Services – delivered meals to seniors in metro Atlanta; raised $500 by soliciting donations

        Organizations: Operations Research Club (VP-Membership); Phi Phi Phi Sorority (Treasurer)

        HONORS :1.Outstanding Young Volunteer

        2.Second-Class Scolarship For E__ecllent Students


        ____-year e__perience of ______, major in ______

        Proficient in ____, skilled in ____, a passion for ____

        Responsible and diligent in work, cooperative in teamwork


        Enjoy playing table tennis and achieve the second in the Table Tennis Match

        Swimming and tourism


        Hu jiang

        Service @hujiang.com

        (+86) 138-________ -________

        Gender: Male

        Date of Birth:

        February. 1987


        Shanghai Hu Jiang Normal University


        Bachelor of Foreign Language Professional

        Rank: Top 20%

        Third-prize Scholarship 2 times, Top 10 in class, RMB1,000

        Kerry Oils & Grains Scholarship, No.1 of major, RMB5,000

        IPA international Chinese teacher certificate


        10/2011 - 08/2012 Bilingual instructor ____ Chinese Learning Center

        Participated in the "How to be an English Instructor" training activities

        I teached American students Chinese four hours by bilingual education weekly, which e__ercised my communication skills and presentation skills greatly.

        09/2010 - 04/2011 English teaching assistant of CET4 ______ school

        Assisted chief instructor to lead the students in reading in the morning, practice, teach the usage of words and organized fun activities.

        Teaching language courses by the students affirmed and loved. The course covered ancient Chinese literature, Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature and Foreign Literature.

        Serious preparation, completion of the lesson’s plans. In imparting basic knowledge, focus on teaching the students about humanities interest and improving literary accomplishment.

        2009.09-2010.04 Hu jiang Language training institutions

        Chinese as a foreign language teaching assistant

        Assisted students come from British, France and Spain, Philippines, and other foreigns in China learning Chinese, including the elementary and intermediate Chinese

        Assisted lecturers prepare lessons, and made PPT

        Responsible for the records when in the classroom

        During the teaching assistant, obtained the lecturer of the praise and affirmation of the students

        Intensive English class


        Teaching assistant

        Assisted chief lecturer teaching, morning reading, students practice, teaching the word usage, fun activities

        Prepared a lesson earnestly, to complete the lesson plan


        Chen Shan Shanghai Botanical Garden



        Botanical garden orchid e__hibition obligations commentator

        Responsible for the interpretation of the work


        CET-6 (586)

        Shanghai advanced interpretation test

        Mandarin Proficiency Test Certificate, 2nd Grade, A Level


        Basketball, literature books


        ★ 英文版个人简历范本

        ★ 英文简历个人介绍范文七篇

        ★ 个人简历工作经验范文英文版

        ★ 个人简历文字版范本五篇

        ★ 优秀英文简历表格模板5篇

        ★ 英文版个人简历范文带翻译

        ★ 个人简历模板完整版范文5篇

        ★ 英文个人简历的格式范文

        ★ 个人简历范文万能模板五篇

var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "/hm.js?1fc3c5445c1ba79cfc8b2d8178c3c5dd"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


       I am a have a persistent pursuit for ideal, believes that gold will shine. After graduating from college work, let me in copy planning aspects had the very big enhancement, writes fluent, familiar with the media, advertising production and design work. Enthusiastic, lively, generous, I am a studious aspirant, integrity, dedication, a strong sense of responsibility, have strong team spirit, to work earnestly actively, serious responsible.

       I character inside and outside combination, adaptable, honest, have good interpersonal skills, have the relevant professional knowledge and serious. Careful, patient, work attitude and good professional ethics. Believe team spirit I am serious and responsible work, always hope to be able to do the things better! Character cheerful, sensitive to words language and figures, for life is full of hope, is enthusiastic about his work. Can adapt to the new environment in a short period. Have a strong sense of quality; The work of conscientious and responsible, self-motivated. Understand basic computer operation, skilled small keyboard!

       My philosophy is: in the young season, I willing to endure hardship involved, only wish through his passion, proactive efforts to achieve their own value and the biggest contribution in the work: as a beginner, I have excellent learning ability and willing to learn, dare to innovation, and constantly strive for excellence; As a participant, I have honest and credible character, good team cooperation spirit; As a leader, I have to do things effectively and, decisive style, good communication and interpersonal coordination ability. With systems of economy and culture related professional knowledge training, has the very strong endurance, willpower and bear hardships and stand hard work quality, the work of conscientious and responsible, positive enterprising, personality optimistic perseverance, dare to face difficulties and challenges.

       For the benefit of the company and want to early, in order to pay a personal ideology and culture in enterprise company ability level, loyal to the enterprise to the best of the company, the company that is beneficial to my development goals, to down-to-earth struggle to realize my dream, the pursuit of some material wealth of life, etc. Efforts for the development of the enterprise company slowly spectacular strong, successful stage slowly increased, in the society can carry out the beginning, famous reputation and good in society. On companies contribute my value of life and elegant ability level, the experience of all aspects in society.

       Read the information on the resume I introduce myself company leaders, please approve me into the qualified enterprise of the company's work, positive in the face of company work, the scope of the corporate environment suitable for enterprise, in the use and understanding of the company work and the habit of slowly up to the company this project career development space..

       If lucky enough to enter your company, I will keep "a glorious all glory, wing for the first" spirit of enterprise, all my work, for the enterprise to create interest, hope the leadership to consider me, thank you!

       我是一个对理想有着执着追求的人,坚信是金子总会发光。大学毕业后的工作,让我在文案策划方面有了很大的提高,文笔流畅,熟悉传媒工作、广告学制作与设计等工作方面。为人热情,活泼,大方, 本人好学上进,诚信、敬业、责任心强,有强烈的团体精神,对工作认真积极,严谨负责。

       本人性格内外结合,适应能力强,为人诚实,有良好的人际交往能力,具备相关的专业知识和认真。细心、耐心的工作态度及良好的职业道德修养。相信团体精神的我对工作认真负责,总希望能把事情做得更好! 性格开朗,对文字语言和数字敏感,对生活充满希望,对工作充满热情! 能在短期间内适应新环境,有强烈的品质意识;对工作认真负责,上进心强! 懂电脑基本操作,熟练小键盘操作!

       我的理念是:在年轻的季节我甘愿吃苦受累,只愿通过自己富有激情、积极主动的努力实现自身价值并在工作中做出最大的贡献: 作为初学者,我具备出色的学习能力并且乐于学习、敢于创新,不断追求卓越; 作为参与者,我具备诚实可信的品格、富有团队合作精神;作为领导者,我具备做事干练、果断的风格,良好的沟通和人际协调能力。受过系统的经济文化相关专业知识训练,有很强的忍耐力、意志力和吃苦耐劳的品质,对工作认真负责,积极进取,个性乐观执着,敢于面对困难与挑战。





       After four years of professional and systematic training, I am now familiar with the standard news process and have a firm foundation of literature.


       I have interned in several news organizations and could start work right away.


       I am confident, hardy, diligent, responsible and adaptive.


       I have good team spirit and leadership.



       My writing skills are high and I read extensively. I am fond of the work in media and secretary, and could work with passionately, sincerely and responsibly.


       Through working, I seize every opportunity to learn, in order to further enhance my professionality.


       In 2004 summer, I worked as a word processing operator in XXX Press;


       In 2005 winter, I interned in the Economic Radio Station, being acquainted with the basic working process in a radio station, and learned to operate;


       In 2006 winter, I interned at <XXX> Economy & Entertainment Edition, and interviewed several celebrities such as XXX (with articles);


       In 2008 summer, I worked as a receptionist and statistician in the Basketball Show Camp held by Lining company;


       In late 2008, I interned at <XXX> Social News Edition (with articles);


       In 2009 winter, I interned in XXX Radio Station FM977 Life Radio as a rights-protecting reporter;


       In Mar. 2009, I interned at <XXX> "Life & Money Management" edition, being responsible mainly for economic reports (with articles).
